Keg Washers for the Kombucha Brewing Industry
Kombuchas consumption has skyrocketed globally along with their implementation of delivery via keg. Requiring that these brew houses have a strong and dependable keg washer on hand.
Keg Washers for Kombucha Brewers
Kombucha is a fermented tea made by introducing a mix of bacteria and yeast into brewed black or green tea, and sugar. The mix is left to ferment and the result is a fizzy drink that has proven health benefits. It has taken the world by storm and created a fast growing beverage option. We have sourced several of our Cascade Stainless Solutions Keg Washers to Kombucha Brewers and we pride ourselves on handling kegs of all shapes, sizes, and uses.
Our products are designed to run without headache and with as little maintenance as possible.

Keg Washers
Custom made, semi-automatic, high efficiency, and low maintenance keg washers made in the USA.
Contact Us Today
Email, call, or send us a message to get a quote on a keg washer of more information.